Celebration of 500 Years of San Juan Puerto Rico


San Juan, Puerto Rico is the oldest city in the United States - by a long shot.  In 2022, the capital of the US island territory celebrated its 500th anniversary, and AirVuz contributor and pilot fastfwdpr was there to capture the celebrations with a drone.  Given that San Juan was once the most important western port in the mighty Spanish Empire, the anniversary celebration was marked in part by an array of historic sailing ships from around the world.  San Juan is situated on a natural harbor on the island's northern coast.   

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Aerial captures from drone to admire the beauty of the school ships from different countries that visited the port of San Juan to celebrate 500 years. All these ships were built a long time ago by the Spaniards, except for the one in Brazil, which is one of the largest and is known as the brando swan.