Zlatni Rat beach in Croatia
Croatia's Zlatni Rat Beach, which has nothing to do with rats or rodents, has become one of the most well-known beaches in Europe. It's a sand spit mini-peninsula on the southern shore of Brac, one of the main islands which lies off the country's famed Dalmatian Coast. The beach is shaped like a long, narrow triangle, and changes in winds and currents cause it to shift over time. It's a marvelous sight from the air, as you'll see in this drone video from top contributor and pilot iDroneAerials.
- over 7 years ago
- 8.6k VŪZ
41 - 29
- Report
Just a short edit on a day in Bol on the island of Brač. It is one of the top 10 beaches in all of Croatia.
Up Next
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Fun at Zlatni Rat Beach

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Droning Dutchman - Zlatni Rat (Croatia)

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Zlatni Rat,Golden Cape (Brac Island) █▬█ █ ▀█▀

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Above Croatia from drone 4K. Part II

- nikybwd
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Aerial Traveler - Croatia

- Aerial Traveler
- 2.4k VŪZ
35 - 23
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- ante de la creme
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Above Croatia from drone 4K. Part I

- nikybwd
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Dubrovnik - King's Landing
- iDrone Aerials
- 37.9k VŪZ
74 - 72
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Video of the Month Promo
- iDrone Aerials
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22 - 33
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