Zahara, España
Check out this beautiful drone videos of one of the famous "white towns" of southern Spain, compliments of contributor EBMDrone. It's called Zahara de la Sierra (often abbreviated to simply "Zahara") and it's in the province of Cádiz, one of the eight which makes up the region of Andalusia. It was built by the Moors during Spain's period of Muslim control due to its strategic location between the cities of Ronda and Seville. It was one of the last Moorish strongholds, not being taken by Castile until 1483.
- over 7 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
17 - 12
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Phantom 4
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Trujillo, España
- EBMDrone
- 1.0k VŪZ
20 - 10
- about 8 years ago
Cádiz Beach: Zahara Los Atunes

- jonatan_joy
- 2.0k VŪZ
24 - 24
- almost 8 years ago
- EBMDrone
- 505 VŪZ
11 - 5
- about 8 years ago
Reñaca, Viña del mar, Chile
- EBMDrone
- 2.2k VŪZ
13 - 4
- about 8 years ago
Pais Vasco, ibarranguelua, Biskaia.
- EBMDrone
- 716 VŪZ
7 - 5
- about 8 years ago
Spain Viewed by Drone

- ViDeo Creator jP
- 1.9k VŪZ
25 - 31
- over 4 years ago

- Murciélago FPV
- 969 VŪZ
16 - 7
- about 6 years ago
Balcanes from the air
- Vitin
- 670 VŪZ
2 - 2
- almost 4 years ago
Algunos Castillos (IV parte)
- pepeferreras
- 608 VŪZ
7 - 6
- 13 days ago