YourVūz: Love
- about 8 years ago
- 2.5k VŪZ
22 - 16
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LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! So much LOVE in this episode! Allie loves her dog, and Rusty shocks Allie when he states that he loves bars! That was not the answer she was expecting! Turns out, people love many different things! From castles and kitesurfing to the ocean and sand dunes! And we can't forget the happiest moment in Heather's life, can we? Definitely not!
We would LOVE you give you a chance to win $500 in our next episode! We know you would LOVE that also! Watch this episode and hear what we want to see next from your view! Then, upload your aerial drone video and use the keyword yourvuz! Be creative! Show us something we have never seen!
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To see more amazing, breathtaking aerial views, visit AirVūz.com. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Rusty Kath: Thanks for checking our YourVuz, Allie Krings, Rusty Kath, and because of you, this continues to be the most popular show about drones that is hosted by Allie Krings and Rusty Kath. Allie Krings: Now, it's the only show about drones that we host. Rusty Kath: Yeah, but we continue to outdo ourselves every single month. Allie Krings: We're impressive. Rusty Kath: We are impressive. This episode, we asked [00:00:30] for you to send in your videos about love. I love that we're going with the pink and the red. It's Valentine's Day feel. Allie Krings: Yeah, I love, love. Rusty Kath: What things do you love the most? Allie Krings: Oh, I love Minnesota summers. Rusty Kath: Okay. Allie Krings: I love drones. Rusty Kath: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Allie Krings: And I love my dog. He's so sweet. He's 17 and just a doll. What do you love? Rusty Kath: Bars. I love bars. I actually come to a bar at 9:00 a.m. for this episode. Allie Krings: Okay. Well, call me crazy, but I definitely thought you were going to say you love your wife and kids the most. Rusty Kath: [00:01:00] I don't have anything against them. Allie Krings: You are a hopeless romantic. Rusty Kath: I am. Allie Krings: And some of you romanticize about some of the things that you love the most. [00:01:30] You know, I'm starting to love this place too. Rusty Kath: Yeah. As much [00:02:00] as your dog? Allie Krings: Close, but not quite. Rusty Kath: We're at Maxwell's American Pub known by some as the best kept secret in downtown Minneapolis. Allie Krings: Yeah, well, not anymore. Rusty Kath: Oh, I kind of let the cat out of the bag. Didn't I? That's probably why people don't tell me secrets. Allie Krings: Yeah, probably. Rusty Kath: Maxwell's actually burned down about nine years ago, but it is back and better than ever with its cozy corner bar atmosphere. Allie Krings: Oh, you really do love this place. Don't you? Rusty Kath: I really do. Allie Krings: Oh, and speaking of places people [00:02:30] love, check out these. Rusty Kath: [00:03:00] What are you drinking? Allie Krings: Oh, a little vodka cranberry. Rusty Kath: Do you have any idea how much work goes into growing and harvesting cranberries? Allie Krings: Not at all. Rusty Kath: It's a lot. But people love to do it. You're going to learn about that and about some other things people love. Allie Krings: [00:04:00] You know, a lot of people love FPV Rusty Kath: FPV. Frozen Patron Vodka. Oh, that sounds good. Allie Krings: No. First person view. Like, FPB freestyle and drone racing. Rusty Kath: Yeah, I know. I was just trying to be funny. Allie Krings: Oh, you should try harder. Rusty Kath: That's funny. Do you [00:04:30] know what [00:05:00] I love about this show? Allie Krings: What? Rusty Kath: The wide range of drone enthusiasts we get. I mean, we get total newcomers, like your brother. Allie Krings: He's trying. Rusty Kath: He is. And then, you have these others who have compiled incredible demo reels. Like these. Allie Krings: We obviously loved everything that was sent in. Rusty Kath: Yeah. We've gotta show [00:06:30] some extra love to one video in particular. Allie Krings: Heather and Lee got engaged in January on top of the world. And Sky Bound Drones just happened to catch it on camera. Rusty Kath: And Lee, being such a wordsmith, was able to seal the deal. Heather: Oh, my God. I feel like such a jerk. Lee: Babe, you're a pain in the ass and it was hard to get you up here, but I love you [00:07:00] a lot. Allie Krings: Congratulations you crazy kids. And congrats to Sky Bound Drones who will love getting $500 for winning this episode. Rusty Kath: I'll tell you what, if you can start out a proposal with the line, babe, you're a pain in the ass, and you still get her to say yes, you hold on to that girl with everything you've got. Now, you know what I'm going to be doing here all March long, at Maxwell's? Allie Krings: Probably some more of this. Rusty Kath: Probably. [00:07:30] But also, watching March Madness. Allie Krings: Oh, madness. Now, that will be our topic for next episode. Rusty Kath: Great idea. Hey, you know what would be total madness? Allie Krings: What? Rusty Kath: Open topic. Anything goes. We'll set it up in a bracket. We'll eliminate it down to an elite eight, final four, and then, we'll have champion of YourVuz next episode. Allie Krings: Submit your videos by March 29th. Use the key word YourVuz. Thanks for checking out this episode. I hope you loved it just as much as we did. Rusty Kath: Because that was the theme of the episode, [00:08:00] was love. Yeah. Hey, a big thanks to Maxwell's. You can get more information at maswellsbar.net.
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