Wild Flyers Podcast - Episode 3: "Featuring Shawn O'Sullivan from MultiGP"
- about 7 years ago
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Episode 3: "Featuring Shawn O'Sullivan from MultiGP" Ep3: 1-what going on for the 2018 MultiGP racing season 2- FCC Crack down 3-RMRC Hoot antenna 4- DRL and MGP relationship 5- Drone collision with army helicopter in NY 6- How to get a HAM license 7-And more.... SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/wild-flyers-podcast/e3-shawn-osullivan-from-multigp Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Dwgrwh4kuqjzej6g2unfe5jtxmq?t=E3_Shawn_OSullivan_from_MultiGP-Wild_Flyers_Podcast Please subscribe and like :)