Wayag, the most stunning place on earth
The beaches of Indonesia's Wayag Island are incredible. The island is one of the islands within the Raja Ampat district of the West Papua province. A bit of a paradise for divers, the island is just 6 miles away from the equator, so you know the tropical plants, birds, and fish that call the island home are nothing short of incredible. Interested in seeing Wayag yourself? Be prepared to take several flights and a boat ride to get there or you could just take in this awesome aerial and underwater video by Vernon.
- about 6 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
12 - 9
- Report
Ylva and I sail north, cross the equator into the northern hemisphere and spend an incredible week anchored nearly alone at Wayag Island. Wayag is very remote, almost impossibly beautiful, the water is very clear and the beaches are empty. We get to know the crew aboard Nordkaperen, Denmarks most famous sailing boat. Its currently on its 6th circle of the planet and it was really interesting to hear some of the stories of this incredible ship.
Up Next
SPECTACULAR MISOOL, Flying my MP2 in Paradise!

- Vernon
- 831 VŪZ
6 - 12
- about 5 years ago
Incredible live VOLCANO, part 2 Sailing Indonesia (Learning By Doing Ep 91)

- Vernon
- 812 VŪZ
13 - 12
- over 5 years ago
Raja Ampat (Four Kings) & Wayag, West Papua.
- kelvinpang
- 513 VŪZ
13 - 8
- about 7 years ago
6 days in Paradise (Sailing Learning By Doing EP 68)

- Vernon
- 1.3k VŪZ
10 - 9
- over 6 years ago
Fun Spring Snowboard in Laax - Switzerland

- Vernon
- 549 VŪZ
5 - 2
- almost 6 years ago
Drone view of Stuben Pass Traffic (Learning By Doing Ep 51)

- Vernon
- 3.4k VŪZ
37 - 36
- about 8 years ago
Arrival in Indonesia - Learning By Doing Ep 78

- Vernon
- 835 VŪZ
5 - 2
- about 6 years ago
Exploring Hawaii

- LUK☰☰
- 985 VŪZ
6 - 5
- over 1 year ago
South Australia
- petraleary
- 1.4k VŪZ
15 - 19
- almost 5 years ago
Sailing the Great Sandy Straights (Sailing Learning By Doing EP 67)

- Vernon
- 1.3k VŪZ
11 - 4
- over 6 years ago