Visiting Cape Florida Lighthouse


Cape Florida Light is one of the most famous lighthouses in Florida.  Seen in this excellent drone video by top AirVuz contributor Bumble Bee Productions, it's located near the southern tip of Key Biscayne, about 10 mi. (around 16 km) southeast of downtown Miami.  The current structure, the second rendition of the lighthouse, was completed in 1847, although it didn't reach its current height of 95 ft. (29 m) until a renovation in 1855.  De-commissioned in 1878, it was restored to active service in 1978 and automated in 1996.  

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Talk about picturesque beaches.  I was just enthralled by how beautiful Biscayne Bay is.  Then to discover there was a lighthouse too?  I was in lighthouse heaven.  Love lighthouses and always try to drone as many lighthouses as possible before croaking.  


A little Wiki on the lighthouse:

The Cape Florida Light is a lighthouse on Cape Florida at the south end of Key Biscayne in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Constructed in 1825, it guided mariners off the Florida Reef, which starts near Key Biscayne and extends southward a few miles offshore of the Florida Keys. It was operated by staff, with interruptions, until 1878, when it was replaced by the Fowey Rocks lighthouse. The lighthouse was put back into use in 1978 by the U.S. Coast Guard to mark the Florida Channel, the deepest natural channel into Biscayne Bay. They decommissioned it in 1990.


Within the Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park since 1966, the lighthouse was relit in 1996. It is owned and operated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.