University of Missouri, Columbia
Contributor mavictraveler used a DJI Mavic Pro 2 to create this aerial tour of the University of Missouri's flagship campus. With enrollment of just over 30k, it's located in Columbia, near the middle of the state. Sometimes called Mizzou, it's home to the Missouri School of Journalism, one of the best-regarded journalism schools in the USA. The campus was the setting for John Williams' 1965 novel Stoner, widely considered to be one of the greatest works of fiction depicting academic life.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
32 - 19
- Report
Pretty campus right in the middle of the state, roughly halfway between KC and St. Louis. Shot with my DJI Mavic Pro 2.
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Washington University, St. Louis

- mavictraveler
- 2.2k VŪZ
22 - 12
- over 5 years ago
Northwestern University Campus

- mavictraveler
- 1.8k VŪZ
22 - 18
- over 5 years ago
The University of Chicago by Mavic Pro 2

- mavictraveler
- 1.5k VŪZ
22 - 18
- over 5 years ago
New York's Columbia University

- Chris Bonanno
- 2.0k VŪZ
26 - 18
- over 5 years ago
Drone Tour of the USC Campus

- mavictraveler
- 1.9k VŪZ
19 - 12
- almost 6 years ago
The St. Louis Country Club

- mavictraveler
- 2.5k VŪZ
38 - 21
- over 5 years ago
Anheuser-Busch Brewery, St. Louis

- mavictraveler
- 1.4k VŪZ
25 - 17
- over 5 years ago
Busch Stadium, St. Louis

- mavictraveler
- 1.4k VŪZ
20 - 15
- over 5 years ago
California Institute of Technology

- mavictraveler
- 1.6k VŪZ
23 - 13
- almost 6 years ago
Conquering the Castle

- Nobody FPV
- 1.2k VŪZ
20 - 13
- over 6 years ago