Two Minutes of KISS FC

  • about 9 years ago
  • 842 VŪZ
  • 9
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Up Next

AirVuz RotorGeeks patsminihquad rebel rebel-batteries rebelminiquads hqprop sunport solar-powered plugsolar fpv fpv-racing freestyle highwind-x highwindfpv highwind pretty-lights moon moon-shot 100%-solar1:45

Rocky Mountain Redux

Highwind F...
fpv fpvracing fpvfreestyle quadcopter quadcopterracing firstpersonview3:00

Trolls under the bridge

tiny whoop clearview raceband 7 seven 5880 rotorgeeks highwind jon casey fan chicken big can't stop hqprop rebel fpv dvr0:30

Whoopin' the Fan

Highwind F...
airvuz hawaii drone worlds Highwind ocean cliff rebel rotorgeeks racing freestyle quadquestions Laie the late ones lateones teamcanada canada fpv underwater lost crash long range2:57

The Late One - Hawaii

Highwind F...
fpvfreestyle fpvcruise krusnehory2:17

When Orienteering 2.0

fpv drone racing trees gates3:07

Two Drones, One Track
