TinyWhooping Everywhere!
From inside his office to the great outdoors, Mr. J takes us all on a Tiny Whoop adventure over, under, and around the places he spends his days! Watch as he gives his coworkers the whoopin' of a lifetime (they clearly didn't seem to mind the excitement) before he goes outside to rip a stream and a historic plaza.
- almost 8 years ago
- 2.3k VŪZ
19 - 17
- Report
All the Details are listed in the Description below!
At work in the office, over the water and stones of the Lake Como or in Milan near the Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano) doesn't matter, what matters is having fun with whoever is with you, ripping with your TinyWhoop!
Music: Awaken - Stone Ocean [Awaken] https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/awaken/id906814097#
Follow me:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MrJFPV/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/jacopobassan
Instagram - https://instagram.com/jacopobassan/
Website - https://jacopobassan.me
Thanks to my sponsors & supporters:
Gemfan - http://www.gemfanhobby.com/En
TeamBlackSheep - http://team-blacksheep.com
ModelDrome - http://www.modeldrome.it
*** Drone Parts ***
EvilFPV Ghoul 220 5"
TBS Unify Pro - http://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:unify_pro (RP-SMA)
TBS Triumph - http://amzn.to/2mnbJwc | http://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:tbs_triumph (Long) - http://amzn.to/2lNkQoA | http://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:rpsma_stub_triumph_r (Short)
KISS FC - http://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:kiss_fc
KISS 24A - http://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:kiss_esc_24a
ZMX Fusion 2206 2300kv - http://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:zmx_2206_23
Sony HS1177 2.5 Lens - http://amzn.to/2mxc5gK
Matek Mini POWER HUB
Gemfan Master Series - http://www.banggood.com/Gemfan-Master-5040BN-5040-5X4-Inch-Bullnose-3-Blade-Propeller-2-CW-2-CCW-p-1107659.html?p=2L13043005234201511R (5040x3 Freestyle) - http://www.banggood.com/Gemfan-M5045BN-Master-Tri-Blade-5045-5x4_5-Inch-Bullnose-Propeller-2-CW2-CCW-p-1098366.html?p=2L13043005234201511R (5045x3 Racing)
Marka Racing 1300mAh 4S 110C - http://www.minizracing.it/minizshop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=267_224&products_id=8627
Turnigy Graphene 1300mAh 4S 65C
Fatshark Dominators V2
Fatshark Faceplate - http://www.banggood.com/FPV-FatShark-FAN-White-Edition-Equipped-Faceplate-For-DOMV2HD-p-1002067.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
LaForge V2 Receiver Module - http://www.getfpv.com/laforge-v2-fat-shark-receiver-module.html
LaForge V2 Diversity Module - http://www.getfpv.com/laforge-diversity-fatshark-module.html
TBS Triumph and SpiroNET Mini Patch Antenna
FrSky Taranis X9D Plus - http://amzn.to/2mnazkl
5dbi Antenna Mod for Taranis
*** TinyWhoop ***
Marka Racing 180mAh 1S 45C - http://amzn.to/2lht7xr | http://www.minizracing.it/minizshop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=267_224&products_id=8628
FX805 FPV Camera + VTX - http://www.banggood.com/FX805-Super-Light-Mini-AIO-5_8G-40CH-25mW-Raceband-VTX-600TVL-FOV140-Degree-FPV-Camera-p-1100600.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
Eachine Beecore Acro FC - http://www.banggood.com/Beecore-F3_EVO_Brushed-ACRO-Flight-Control-Board-DSM2-For-Inductrix-Tiny-Whoop-Eachine-E010-p-1089021.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
Blade Inductrix Frame - https://www.tinywhoop.com/collections/parts-and-accessories/products/inductrix-frame?variant=21401194561 | https://www.jonathan.it/ricambi/droni%2Dmultirotori/blade+inductrix+%2D+blade+inductrix+fpv/blade/559525_inductrix-telaio.html
MMW MOTOR (FAST) - https://www.tinywhoop.com/collections/motors/products/mmw-6x15mm-motor-speed-fast?variant=21911959297
Chaoli CL-615 (Alternative Motors) - http://www.banggood.com/4X-Chaoli-CL-615-Upgraded-6x15mm-59000-RPM-Coreless-Motor-for-FPV-Racer-Blade-Inductrix-Tiny-Whoop-p-1102956.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
Eachine TinyWhoop Props - http://www.banggood.com/Eachine-E010-Blade-Inductrix-Tiny-Whoop-RC-Quadcopter-Spares-Parts-Blades-Propeller-p-1079425.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
*** Video Equipment ***
GoPro Hero5 Session - http://amzn.to/2lhwt3u
SanDisk Extreme MicroSD - http://amzn.to/2lhzL6S (64GB) - http://amzn.to/2lNn07q (32GB)
GoPro Lens Protector (Must Have!) - http://amzn.to/2lNxyn1
GoPro Session Replacement Lens - http://amzn.to/2lZk20k
CreativeDex 30º mount - http://creativedex.com/products/session-mount?variant=18261697409
*** Field Tools ***
SainSmart TS100 (Awesome Soldering Iron) - http://amzn.to/2lPmZhX | http://www.banggood.com/MINI-TS100-Digital-OLED-Programable-Interface-DC-5525-Soldering-Iron-Station-Built-in-STM32-Chip-p-984214.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
iSDT SC-608 (Awesome Little Charger) - http://www.banggood.com/ISDT-SC-608-150W-8A-MINI-Smart-LCD-Battery-Balance-Charger-p-1057271.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
iSDT Q6 Plus (Newer & Best Model) - http://www.banggood.com/ISDT-Q6-Plus-300W-14A-MINI-Pocket-Battery-Balance-Charger-p-1103946.html?p=2L13043005234201511R
Burton "LiPo" Lunch Box
REI Trail25 Backpack (Black) - https://www.rei.com/product/880836/rei-co-op-trail-25-pack-mens
Turnigy Transmitter Case (Old Model w/out Goggles)
3M VHB 4611F Biadhesive (Love this tape) - http://amzn.to/2lZtYXr
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