The Drone Dish: florian ledoux


Known for his nature and wildlife photography, Florian Ledoux chats with Tyler in this episode of The Drone Dish. Most of his work takes him to Arctic locations like Greenland and Canada's Federal Territories where he has captured epic aerials of polar bears, narwhals, and gigantic icebergs.  One of his aerial photos from the Arctic was featured in the seminal Time magazine special report entitled "The Drone Age", and his video "I am Fragile" was selected as a finalist in the second Drone Video Awards. 

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Known for his nature and wildlife photography, Florian Ledoux chats with Tyler in this episode of The Drone Dish. Florian has a strong background in wildlife photography, and has recently incorporated a drone into his work. Most of his work takes him to cold climates in the north, specifically in Greenland where he has captured images of polar bears, narwhals, and magnificent icebergs.

In addition to filming wild animals, Florian talks about the dangers of flying in the arctic due to the cold and strong magnetic interference caused by the north pole. However, all his hard work and determination has led him to be featured in National Geographic alongside renowned photographer Paul Nicklen.

You can see the rest of Florian's work on AirVūz HERE.

For more highlights from the world's best drone pilots, click HERE.

And for more amazing aerial views, stay tuned to AirVū

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Tyler Mason: I'm thrilled to be joined today on The Drone Dish by Florian Ledoux. Florian, thanks for taking the time to come on the show. Florian Ledoux: Thank you for inviting me. TM: Absolutely. I know you've been into photography for quite a while, but when did you start adding drones into your work? FL: I think it's pretty new. From what I remember, I ordered my first drone 2016, so it's pretty new. TM: A lot of the work that you do is in the colder climates. What is it that brings you to those climates? FL: When I was young I went to and since that time I got a call from far countries. And from step by steps I was traveling a bit further north and then I ended in Greenland and totally fell in love with this country. TM: II'm used to flying in the cold here too in Minneapolis, Minnesota. What's the challenge for you for flying in those locations? What do you have to do to get the drone ready and to get yourself ready to fly in the cold? FL: Well it's absolutely tricky and a big risk to fly in the arctic. First of all because it can be cold and the drones are not really made for that. And secondly because of the magnetism that makes a lot of trouble along the compass so I already lost four Phantom 4. You have to of course keep your battery warm so it happen few time that I had to put it in my underwear to keep them warm. TM: One of the videos that you shot in a cold location won the animal's category for the drone video awards. That was Majestic Beast Nanuk. You had some footage of polar bears in that footage. What was it like to film those creatures from above? FL: Well, it was totally insane to fly above them. First of all to meet them, it was totally amazing. I was crying for the three hours when I met them for the first time. I was totally amazed by what I was seeing from above. Especially when the polar bear is crossing two piece of ice. This is my favorite footage from far. It was a great, great experience. Also, I was a bit already nervous. As I said I crashed a drone at the beginning of the expedition, and I didn't want to fly again from the boat. But then I, well I took the risk because I think it was worth it. TM: I'd say it was absolutely worth it. Some of the other animal footage you have is of a narwhal which is just unbelievable. How did you go about finding the narwhal and did you realize at the time that the footage was going to be so special? FL: Finding the naranol was pretty hard because they are known to be quite shy also scared of engine noise. So we entered the fjord at night. We couldn't see anything because it was wavy. Then we went to shore with the dingy piloting. And then only from there I was able to fly and to capture them with the drone. TM: And your work's been feature in a lot of different places. You've won some different awards. And one of the places that it was featured was National Geographic, which is really cool. What was it [00:03:00] like to see your work featured by Nat Geo? FL: For me it was a big honor for me. Especially to be featured in the article with Paul Nicklen that as known as one of the most famous wild life photographer in the world. And To be in the same article in Nat Geo was really an achievement for my work and I was really happy that these photos could be seen by so many people around the world. TM: Of all the places you've flown and all the videos you've shot, do you have a favorite image or favorite footage that you've captured? FL: It's pretty hard to say because every places were different, light was different, species was they were different. So I don't know, the narwhal or no definitely the polar bear I think. TM: Well Florian your videos are awesome, keep up the great work and try to stay warm when you're flying too. Thanks for joining us on the Drone Dish today. FL: Thank you very much.