The Drone Dish: Veerdonk Visuals
- over 7 years ago
- 6.4k VŪZ
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This episode of "The Drone Dish" features Ralf van de Veerdonk, the pilot and filmmaker behind Veerdonk Visuals.
Ralf founded his company right after film school and has been working with many major Dutch brands ever since. To see Ralf’s full videos, check out the Veerdonkvisuals profile page
For more episodes and highlights from the world’s best drone pilots, check out the The Drone Dish main profile page!
And for more amazing aerial views from all of the world, check out AirVūz.com VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Tyler Mason: We're excited to have Ralf van de Veerdonk on the Drone Dish today. Ralf, thanks for coming on the show. Ralf V.: Sure. It's a pleasure. Tyler Mason: Your company, Veerdonk Visual produces some pretty amazing work. Tell me a little bit about how the company started and how you got into drones. Ralf V.: Sure. Well, I started my company back 2013 when I graduated from film school. Now it's a corporate film production company. It's creating high-end, [00:00:30] cinematic, corporate communication films. We have created films for plants like Coca-Cola Netherlands, Adidas Netherlands, Avis Netherlands, Tic-Tac, the Dutch Government, Dutch Ministry, and many other clients. But we are specializing ourselves at the moment in exclusive resort mood films. We've produced A number of mood films for resorts in Fiji, several in the Maldives, we've been to Belize and also the Cook Islands. So that's [00:01:00] in a nutshell, you know, my company. Tyler Mason: Well, I remember I think my first exposure to your company was your show reel that you posted on Air Views and I was blown away by some of the footage you had on there. What went into that reel and do you have a favorite shot or a favorite location from that reel? Ralf V.: Well thanks for the compliments Tyler. Well it's a selection of the best shots that I captured during the last four years in business and of course, I like all the drone shots, [00:01:30] obviously, but if I had to pick one, I say the revealing drone shot of my friend running into the lagoon on a deserted island in the Maldives, yes. That's the most awesome shot that I captured. Tyler Mason: You mentioned you have a film background too and you used a lot of ground camera footage in some of your work too. How do you kind of balance how much drone footage to use when you're doing some of these productions? Ralf V.: Well, yeah, you said we're balanced. That's really important. If you overuse drone shots it's not that special anymore, [00:02:00] you know. But also with respect having the option to compliment ground position aerials is just so liberating for a creative filmmaker. And it's so, it's both of these things that are really, you know, important for cumulating, combining ground shots with aerials. Tyler Mason: I know before we started the interview here you said you've got the Maverick with you but I imagine you're using some pretty high end drones for some of these, the big time [00:02:30] clients. Tell me about the type of system that you're flying these days. Ralf V.: Well I own the Maverick obviously but also Fathom 4, Tyler. That's what I use mainly for my bigger assignments. Tyler Mason: Okay, very cool, that's what I'm flying too, so good to hear that. Now a lot of your shots and a lot of your videos are in the Maldives and you mention you've done some resort work too. What is it about that location that's just perfect for flying a drone? Ralf V.: Well you know, when [00:03:00] I was first was hired to create a mood film for a Brazilian Resort, I quickly received more requests from other resorts that saw my work and they absolutely loved it. So that's why I've been to the Maldives four times now and gosh its just the most perfect location in the world to fly a drone it's just breathtakingly beautiful. So, yeah, if you have a chance to go there, you really need to go. Tyler Mason: Yeah, it's not a bad day at the office I imagine when you're flying down there. Ralf V.: No, absolutely [00:03:30] not. Tyler Mason: You've recently been uploading the "shot of the day" videos to Air Views. Tell me about the idea behind that. What ... how did you decided to upload a shot of the day? Ralf V.: Well, you know actually I thought it was a fun challenge to post a single shot every day for a whole year, so that's 365 days in row. And you know I've got so many high quality footage [00:04:00] lying around here and it's just a shame if I didn't share it with the community. So, yeah I though it would be nice to share that will all the people on social media. Tyler Mason: Yeah, well we've enjoyed watching it. I'm pretty envious of the locations you've flown, and the shots you're getting are pretty incredible. Now you're from the Netherlands, that's where your based, do you have anywhere in your home country that you like to fly? Ralf V.: You know, if you think about Holland you think about windmills, so I really like to go to [00:04:30] dutch countryside where windmills are and if you are up in the air with a drone you have to really classical dutch painting image so it's just lovely. Tyler Mason: Well Ralf, I've enjoyed chatting with you and if you need any help next time you're in the Maldives, let me know, I can bring my drone with me and help you out down there. I appreciate you coming on the Drone Dish today. Ralf V.: Sure, it's been a pleasure for me Tyler.
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