The Drone Dish: KopterCam
KopterCam is one of the top commercial drone piloting companies in northern Europe, and was the winner of the 2017 New York City Drone Film Festival in the Aerial Reel category. The company is known for doing highly complex and technical aerial videography, and their work has been featured on many TV shows, commercials, and feature length films. On this episode of The Drone Dish, host Tyler Mason chats with founder Marco Godles about how he got into the aerial videography field, favorite places to fly, and more.
- almost 8 years ago
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On this episode of The Drone Dish, Tyler chats with Helsinki, Finland based Marco Godles of KopterCam. KopterCam won this year's Aerial Reel at the 2017 New York City Drone Film Festival.
Check out Marco's profile by clicking HERE.
For more highlights from the world’s best drone pilots, click HERE.
And for more amazing aerial views, check out AirVūz.com VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Tyler Mason: We're thrilled to have another winner from the New York City Drone Film Festival here on the Drone Dish, Marco Godles of Koptercam. Marco, thanks for coming on. Marco Godles: Thanks Tyler, thanks for having me. Tyler Mason: Now I mentioned the New York City Drone Film Festival, that's where I was first introduced to your guys' work, you guys won the best ariel reel. What was that like to win that [00:00:30] category? It's one that a lot of people are certainly interested in. Marco Godles: Yeah man, I mean excitement, stoked, I was like really surprised to be honest. We're up against a lot of talented other companies and presenters on the day. And to even be nominated was kind of quite an honor. Especially the show reel category where you're kind of a collaborate of all your best shots so, it's always a little bit difficult to [00:01:00] compile and to really choose out of all your work a nice compilation so yeah it was a real honor, definitely. Tyler Mason: And some amazing shots in there, hard for me to pick a favorite shot in there. Do you have a favorite shot from that reel? Marco Godles: Yeah I mean, it's hard to choose a favorite shot because visually it might look good but might have an interesting backstory of how it was filmed or a situation that happened but definitely the amusement park shot where [00:01:30] you've got the guy like totally amped up putting his hand up in the air. That's definitely one that stands out as it was actually a false take during production. It was a closed set during the shooting. All the writers on the amusement ride were extras and everyone was told you know directed, don't look at the camera, just be yourself, we want really kind of true emotions. And then obviously this one guy didn't get that [00:02:00] message and he was just like super stoked to be in front of the camera and we landed and the director was like, "Nope, retake." And we're like yeah we'll keep that one. Tyler Mason: Well it worked out, it was a cool shot I really like that one too so. Marco Godles: Yeah it's kinda those things that, one of those moments where you can't plan for it, it's unexpected and it kinda just comes together. Tyler Mason: Sometimes tho se accidents are some of the best shots, so it worked out perfectly. Marco Godles: Yeah, definitely. Tyler Mason: So tell me about Koptercam, you got your start back in [00:02:30] 2012, how did you personally first get into drones and how did Koptercam start? Marco Godles: Well myself personally, I was always kind of into the whole RC as a hobby side of things, flying single rotors for a bit and RC cars you know kind of just tinkering around. And then during around 2012 or even earlier, that's when the real kind of multi rotor when they were called back then, not so much considered in a class of drones, they started to boom. [00:03:00] And a friend of mine got together he was actually in a professional sports man and he wanted to kind of come up with a different dynamic way to film these sports. So that's actually my colleague David, and we got together, brainstormed a few ideas and you know did the whole YouTube searching for different ideas and that's where it kind of spurred on, "We should kind of get into this." And of course back then kind of pretty rudimentary, pretty difficult to find any information on these type of platforms. [00:03:30] So it was a big learning curve but yeah a rewarding one at that, definitely. Tyler Mason: Well I'll leave you with one last question, I asked you about your favorite shot in your reel, but do you have a favorite project you've worked on over the years? You guys have done some pretty cool stuff but does anything stand out when you look back at all the filming you've done over the years? Marco Godles: Yeah, probably a couple ones, the new season of Prison Break just was released in the US and we filmed a lot for that in Morocco [00:04:00] about a year ago. And that was pretty memorable, you know, I'd say working on those massive productions for this instance it was 20th Century Fox. It really opened your eyes into in terms of like how big these productions are. Tyler Mason: As a fan of the show Prison Break, I saw you guys did the filming for it, and then I watched the intro and I thought that was pretty cool. So I'm sure it was even cooler for you to see that on the TV there. Marco Godles: Oh definitely man. I mean Prison Break is a series [00:04:30] that is pretty old and I remember watching it back in you know my high school days and the first season and to be able to now say that you've worked on it and to actually even meet the cast on the shoot. It was really amazing, it's really good, really brings a proudness to your work that you do. Tyler Mason: Absolutely, well yeah you do a lot of great work, you guys at Koptercam over there in Finland we appreciate you joining us here on the Drone Dish, Marco, and keep up the good work! Marco Godles: Thanks very much Tyler, [00:05:00] thank you.
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