The Drone Dish: Jaxon_roberts


In this episode of the Drone Dish, host Tyler Mason talks with drone pilot and aerial videographer Jaxon Roberts.  Hailing from Western Australia, his top video on AirVuz was actually shot on the other side of the country, in New South Wales.  "Byron Bay", which he filmed with Instagram star and yogi Sally Mustang, has garnered well over a million views on AirVuz and was nominated as a Finalist in the first annual Drone Video Awards.   Tune in as he shares some of the tricks of the trade with Tyler.  

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With the most views on any single video on AirVuz, Jaxon Roberts is the star of this week's episode of The Drone Dish. Jaxon's video "Byron Bay" has more than 1,200,000 views and counting. Most of his work takes him around various parts of Australia, but has also done work in the Phillippines, and looks forward to going to Nepal in 2018.

2017 was a good year to Jaxon, and he has made a career in videography for himself. Apart from travel videos, Jaxon has worked with researchers to help assess algae in the ocean from a drone's perspective. 

You can see the rest of Jaxon's work on AirVūz HERE.

For more highlights from the world's best drone pilots, click HERE.

And for more amazing aerial views, stay tuned to AirVū

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Tyler Mason: We're thrilled to be joined today on the Drone Dish by Jaxson Roberts all the way from Australia. Jaxson, thanks for coming on the show. Jaxon Roberts: Thanks for having us Tyler. TM: Your video "Byron Bay" is the most viewed on interviews. It has over a million views. When you hear that what does that mean? What's it like to think about that? JR: Oh, it's hard to comprehend Tyler. When I made the video I had no idea it was gonna reach over a million views. Like yes, it's just crazy thinking a million people across the world have viewed my video. TM: Tell me a little bit about that video, I know Sally Mustang was the model in it. What was the idea behind the video and how long did it take you to put it all together? JR: There was no real, like, plan beforehand. Making the video, I sort of just traveled over to Byron Bay to work with Sally mainly to take photos and stuff, I'd only just been new to using a drone, so I was like, a lot of experimenting with it. Like I like to fly low with it and do a lot of low movements. Had a lot of footage and thought I'd make a video showcasing her lifestyle over there because it's a pretty amazing place. TM: You mentioned some of those low flights. A lot of drone pilots think they have to be 300 to 400 feet in the air. What do you enjoy about those low flights and using the drone as a tool that way? JR: Yeah, I find when you use the drone really low it's almost as if you have a crane like in the Sally video with the horses and stuff like that you can get like different perspectives and it just puts the story together well instead of just having one or two really high up shots. TM: How did you get started in drones and how long have you been flying? JR: I think I've been flying for about a year and a half now. I was never really into photography or videography before and yeah, so about a year and a half ago I saw a drone video, I think it was Phantom 3, just a basic flyover and I just thought it was the coolest thing in the world that he'd just fly the camera and make your own little video and you can pretty much have unlimited freedom with this. So I was like, might as well buy a cheap drone, I bought a Phantom 3 Standard. Yeah I got addicted to it straight away. Then all of a sudden a scientist he contacted me and asked if I wanted to do some work for him look at algae that was growing in the water with a drone and I just thought, that's crazy that drones are being used for work these days as well. So I pretty much started focusing on how I can make a living out of a drone and today it's like my full time job, really. TM: Now you're based in Australia, as we said. I imagine that's a great place to be a drone pilot. How much do you enjoy living there and being able to see the views? JR: Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to live in Australia, especially western Australia. We have some amazing beaches over here, just crystal blue waters. I think it's like a three hour drive down south, and it's just one of the most incredible parts of the world I've seen. And then yeah, over in eastern Australia where Byron Bay is, it's amazing landscapes over there. It's pretty vast. TM: Another one of your videos on AirVuz called "Spacey," it has some pretty cool editing effects. What was the process to put that into the video? JR: Oh the process, it takes a little time, a lot of YouTube tutorials I think, I get inspired by a lot of music videos, it's all just experimenting really. The kind of music you use has a really big impact on it as well. Like "Spacey" has a really visual sort of trippy sort of look, yeah so I've really enjoyed making that sort of stuff. TM: And your most recent video on interviews is called "The Year That Changed My Life". Tell me about what 2017 meant to you? JR: So I was pretty much working a nine to five job every day and I just decided to quit my job and buy, like invest in a drone and some good camera gear. Ever since that I travel to Byron Bay and then I got the chance to go to the Philippines, this month I'm going to like the center of Australia. I've got lots of things coming up. Just opportunities just keep popping up for me, so I'm just glad I took that risk and quit my job, even though I'm not earning too much money I'm just getting a lot of amazing experiences. TM: Well Jaxon, thanks so much for joining us on The Drone Dish today, I really liked chatting with you. JR: Thanks heaps Tyler, have a good one.