The Creation-The Power of the Waves
Sydney's Bondi Beach is widely considered to be one of the finest not only in Australia but in the world. Known for surfing and all other manner of aquatic recreation, it is one of the top tourist destinations in New South Wales, and for Australia as a whole. Contributor and pilot Paul Vlad created this awesome video which not only demonstrates the stunning beauty of this beach which lies just a few km/mi east of central Sydney but also shows the power of the DJI Mavic Pro drone to create epic aerial footage.
- over 7 years ago
- 7.3k VŪZ
65 - 63
- Report
The Power of the Waves...
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters...
Then God said..."let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters"...and it was so.
Then God said..."let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear"...and it was so. God called the dry land EARTH...and the gathering of the waters SEAS...
Filmed entirely on my DJI Mavic Pro!
Up Next
Destructive Ocean of Durban-South Africa

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UAE: The Power of the Desert

- PaulVlad
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Dreaming in Mauritius 4K

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Moreeb Dunes: The Sands of Time

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Seven Sisters Cliffs: The Reason of Being

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Visuals of Life-The Camel Crossing

- PaulVlad
- 2.8k VŪZ
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Romania-Transylvania, Land of the Carpathians

- PaulVlad
- 2.6k VŪZ
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Sunrise in Brisbane, Australia

- PaulVlad
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Seychelles: Heaven on Earth

- PaulVlad
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Cidade de Deus-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

- PaulVlad
- 2.3k VŪZ
44 - 47
- over 7 years ago