The Castle of Boyabat
Contributor and drone pilot Alp Karagulle created this amazing aerial video of one of the most spectacular castles in Turkey. It's called Boyabat Castle, and it's built on a hillside in the Sinop province, which is situated more or less in the middle of Turkey's Black Sea coastline. The castle dates to the Antiquity, and was rebuilt as control of the area shifted first to the Roman, then the Byzantine, and finally the Ottoman Empires. It's believed that at one point the castle was part of the fabled Silk Road.
- over 6 years ago
- 2.4k VŪZ
27 - 31
- Report
The Castle of Boyabat on top of a hill Boyabat Castle, is a castle in the town of Boyabat, Sinop Province, Turkey built by the Paphlagonians in antiquity and reconstructed under Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman rule. The castle is situated in the Gökırmak Valley and built on the southern of two steep rocky hills. It functions as a museum today.
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