TRAVEL | My New Favorite Lake In Montana | Leigh Lake, Libby Montana
- over 4 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
20 - 12
- Report
Here’s a little sneak peak of a day hike to one of the most beautiful lakes in Montana. We love exploring our state! Nyle hiked the whole thing himself too:) When traveling in the National Forest Wilderness areas keep in mind of where you can fly your drone. Most of the USFS land you are able to fly, provided you adhere to the FAAs guidelines for drone operations. But you cannot fly in National Parks and Wilderness land. The National Parks land is clear about no drone flying, but it can be really difficult to find up to date information for other parts of National Forest and wilderness areas. Before flying in Leigh Lake I researched on the Kootenai and Cabinet Mountains Wilderness website by the USFS and found no information on drone flying at all. The FAA drone map does not have restrictions for the area like it does for the National Parks for example. With nothing posted at the trail head I felt clear to fly. But I have now been informed by the USFS it is not legal to fly in the wilderness and I was in violation. I don’t know what more I could of done besides asking a ranger and would of if I saw one. All this to say, do your research before you fly and it might be best to ask someone that would know about area restrictions. It can be really frustrating as a professional and licensed drone to find correct information when flying. Especially since when I find something new and beautiful I want to capture it and share it with the world. We spend a lot of time in the wilderness and love our National Parks. They belong to all of us so we need to help each other out in taking care of them. Know before you fly. OUR SOCIALS Help us make more videos by supporting us on PATEREON: https://www.patreon.com/montanavanfam Instagram https://www.instagram.com/montanavanfam/ https://www.instagram.com/silvadesignco/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/silvadesignc...
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