Multiple Drone Video of the Week Winner semberadventure brings us this outstanding video from the Hawaiian island of Maui. With drone footage supplemented by ground camera shots (some of which were actually taken from a helicopter), most of the footage was filmed on the northwestern side of the island, which is dominated by the West Maui Volcano (Mauna Kahālāwai). High lights include some epic shots of whales (Maui being considered the best Hawaiian island for whale-watching) and stunning mountain ridges.
- 11 months ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
14 - 12
- Report
This is our Msui experience of a wekk long trip to the island. We were amazed on the amout of whale present as the use the channel to breed the young ones. Most of the video is shot in west Maui featuring some of the valleys, waterfalls, and epic ridges that had amzing views.
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