Swiss Alps - The Glacier

  • over 1 year ago
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One stop on my latest Road Trip through the Swiss Alps was Sustenpass - one lovely famous small one with a lot of amazing stops possible. Total height is 2259m üNN and has some of nice placed Glaciers also at the Steingletscher / Steinsee. 

I was flying with my Cinelifter with BMPCC6K and tried my longrange abilities with this rig. It was a real adrenalin journey these days here in the mountains. I can write some pages of a FPV Book as there happen to me some bad things and good thing ! Worst was i hit at start hover part with my BMPCC my hands slightly and was a while occupied to stop the blood. Experience not replace attention, i was to much in the tunnel.

Ok stop the story :) all good after some days taking care. 

Enjoy the fabulous view of the Glacier !!