Sunday freestyle with hall gimbals
- almost 8 years ago
- 290 VŪZ
3 - 0
- Report
It's a sunny Sunday, nap time for my daughters and I don't want to get into trouble with the neighbors so I walked 5-10 minutes from home and went to this spot I never flew before. Loved it! Also first flights with the new Hall gimbals. Sorry for DVR, my HD cams are all dead but... my Runcam Cube 3 will arrive soooooon!!!
// Gear
LS-210 4mm bottom plate
XRacer F303 v3 - ßF 3.1.5
DYS SE2205 2550kV
Racerstar RS30A (Oneshot42)
HQProp 5x4x3 V1S
Taranis X9D Plus + hall gimbals
Foxeer TM25
HS1177 + GoPro lens
// Soundtracks
We Are One by Vexento https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/Ssvu2yncgWU
// Shops
Get your FPV stuff from https://www.fpvracing.ch, they're fantastic.
// Team
Visit Mad Props @ http://www.madprops.ch
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