Soul Riding in Jambiani
This drone video from Zanzibar features some of the best aerial footage of kiteboarding we've ever seen. It was filmed by air tricks prod near the village of Jambiana, which is in the southeastern part of this Tanzanian island territory in the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean is emerging as one of the hot-spots for kiteboarding, an extreme sport that requires tremendous strength and balance and is even more difficult to aerially film than surfing or windsurfing due in part to the very high speeds involved.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
20 - 20
- Report
Peacefull ride on one of the most amazing lagoon in the world... followed by drone
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Pomene Mozambique, Africa, Kitesurf Paradise
- air tricks prod
- 920 VŪZ
13 - 13
- over 5 years ago
A day in Harare, Zimbabwe
- benandstories
- 632 VŪZ
10 - 9
- over 7 years ago
Soul of Sea

- Sardinia from Sky
- 11.3k VŪZ
40 - 31
- about 8 years ago
Riding in the Lake
- Christian CUVELIER
- 2.8k VŪZ
34 - 42
- over 7 years ago
Rok Riding!
- @goodmango
- 530 VŪZ
12 - 8
- over 8 years ago
Vikos Gorge / Greece-has-Soul / Katerina Soldatou / Extreme Aerial Dance
- Badios
- 3.0k VŪZ
35 - 23
- about 7 years ago
Rio-Antirrio Bridge / Greece has Soul / Katerina Soldatou
- Badios
- 2.9k VŪZ
26 - 25
- almost 7 years ago
Jetski in action

- savcaoleg
- 824 VŪZ
1 - 0
- about 1 year ago
Extreme Aerial Dance at the Corinth Canal by Katerina Soldatou
- Badios
- 2.8k VŪZ
26 - 15
- almost 8 years ago
Greece has Soul / The Aerial Quest so far / Katerina Soldatou / 2017
- Badios
- 2.3k VŪZ
37 - 29
- over 7 years ago