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So Nurk Stopped By... 😁
- over 4 years ago
- 3.0k VŪZ
142 - 42
- Report
Well, look who showed up at my door?!? The one and only NURKFPV (Paul Nurkkala, you know, that former DRL champ // super cool guy) came over with Jacob (Blazeair) for a little gathering to enjoy the golden hour...Nurk gave us all a little tour of my landscaping, my rooftop, my Pandemic Porch (Blue lawn chair/ social distancing gathering spot with Tom and Alan), and then Tom and Alan’s backyard too...and then Tom and Alan had a cameo a few times too. Dustin and Kyle’s yard got a quick shout out too!). So much fun...so much tequila. And so much fun left for next time too...so y’all come back now, ya hear? 😎 🤠 😎
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PhluxyFPV Visits St. Bart's School in Wayzata, MN!

- AirVuzJenny
- 2.1k VŪZ
54 - 19
- almost 4 years ago
NURK + Moneyshot V2 + Speedboats

- LiftedMedia
- 2.3k VŪZ
4 - 3
- about 3 years ago
Nurk vs. Speedboats

- LiftedMedia
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17 - 12
- about 4 years ago
Micro Drone SHOOTOUT!!

- Rotor Riot
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16 - 14
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AirVuz After Hours - MaiOnHigh

- AirVuz After Hours
- 1.7k VŪZ
13 - 17
- about 4 years ago
Gloomy Mountains fpv

- seb-depp
- 882 VŪZ
0 - 0
- 10 months ago
unfinished edits #2

- swoopyfpv
- 798 VŪZ
10 - 4
- over 3 years ago
2021 AirVuz Drone Video of the Year, Sponsored by Catalyst Machineworks x NURK

- Drone Video Contests
- 4.0k VŪZ
25 - 16
- about 3 years ago
Skol Vikings

- tylerjmason
- 1.6k VŪZ
30 - 16
- over 7 years ago