Red Bull One Shot ft. Tyler Bereman
Red Bull Athlete Tyler Bereman is one of the world's top practitioners of the art of freestyle motocross - FMX, for short. And who better to film this legendary rider performing his aerial tricks than JohnnyFPV - one of the world's top FPV drone pilots? Who indeed?! Check out the action in this short but spectacular piece. Notice how close the quad is able to get to the rider, the chaser and the chase within just inches of each other. Not surprisingly, this video was tapped for the FPV Pilots to Watch list in August, 2020.
- over 4 years ago
- 4.3k VŪZ
26 - 12
- Report
@tylerbereman can flyyy. These shots are from Tyler and I’s @redbullmotorsports ‘one shot’ project. A continuous 5 minute video piece, no cuts no edits. Straight ripping. Huge jumps, perfect light, and pure flying. It just dropped on the Red Bull Motorsport Youtube page.
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One Shot Motocross
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