Quito In Quarantine
For reasons which were not initially clear, by early April of 2020 Ecuador had become the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic in South America. The vast majority of the confirmed cases and deaths at that point had occurred in Guayaquil, the country's commercial capital and largest city. Nevertheless, by mid-March the entire country was under a virtual quarantine. This led to eerie scenes like what you'll see in this drone video by Ecu Drone: the national capital Quito in a state of near-shutdown.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.7k VŪZ
15 - 20
- Report
Algunas Tomas aéreas de la Ciudad de Quito en estado de emergencia por el Virus COVID19 (Preliminar).
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Quito, Luz de América

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A World in Quarantine vol. 2
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Dawn in the middle of the world

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Quito, Ecuador: La Joya Escondida
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Quito, Ecuador by The Drone Xperience

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Cotopaxi Volcano
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