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Peter and Paul Fortress, Saint-Petersburg
Take a first person view (FPV) drone tour of Russia's famous Peter and Paul Fortress, compliments of Shamkhal_fpv. The complex sits on its own island near the mouth of the Neva River in the heart of St. Petersburg, Russia's second-largest city. It was established in the early 18th century by Tsar Peter the Great, who built his namesake city to replace Moscow as Russia's capital. Originally constructed to defend from an attack by Sweden from the north which never materialized, it went on to serve as a prison for nearly 200 years.
- about 3 years ago
- 1.9k VŪZ
18 - 14
- Report
Peter and Paul Fortress are one of the most important sights of the St. Petersburg. The founding day is May 27, 1703. The same day is the day of the city St. Petersburg!
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One Day in the Life of St. Petersburg

- nikybwd
- 1.1k VŪZ
15 - 12
- about 5 years ago
New Year Lights of St. Petersburg from Drone

- sinaysky
- 1.9k VŪZ
6 - 4
- 3 months ago
Aerial Footage. Saint-Petersburg №1

- VadimUshKa
- 1.1k VŪZ
16 - 12
- about 5 years ago
Parkour in the Championship arena
- Shamkhal_fpv
- 1.0k VŪZ
10 - 7
- over 3 years ago
Above St. Petersburg

- yuriy stolypin
- 1.4k VŪZ
16 - 10
- over 4 years ago
Saint Petersburg. Christmas city
- kino.team
- 1.4k VŪZ
16 - 12
- about 4 years ago
Sunny Morning in Saint-Petersburg

- Sergei Pinin
- 6.6k VŪZ
60 - 29
- about 8 years ago
One Wonderful Winter in Saint Petersburg (Russia) 4k UltraHD

- vitaliy.karpovich
- 3.2k VŪZ
39 - 39
- almost 6 years ago

- Agapov.Nikita
- 629 VŪZ
8 - 4
- over 7 years ago
Beautiful Saint Petersburg. Hot Brakebeat. Summer Vibes

- Dronemedia.me
- 1.0k VŪZ
14 - 11
- over 5 years ago