Check out this fantastic first person view (FPV) drone reel by AirVuz contributor and FPV pilot theflyingshoes. The reel starts off with a great intro - indoor cinewhoop-style footage, including a great "gap" shot through a chandelier, and ending with an up-close-close-and-personal look at some mounted bull horns. Then it's off to the races - not literally races, but rather some truly epic (outside) bull- and horse-chasing, punctuated by a great shot of what looks like a hawk at the :45 mark.
- over 4 years ago
- 733 VŪZ
14 - 10
- Report
'Through the routes of the bull'. A way to bring livestock, the countryside and their tasks closer to the fans so that they can perceive all the greatness of the brave bull in its natural habitat. In each chapter, the team of Bulls moves to the pasture to show us all who make the rite of bullfighting possible: Cattlemen, bullfighters, majors and picadores will be protagonists in different installments with special attention to a task as important as the tentadero and the traditional gathering that always follows. The participation of bullfighting masters will also serve to transmit to young values all their legacy and knowledge in the intimate and incomparable space of some of the most representative stud farms. MOVISTAR PLUS - CANAL TOROS Drones Used: Inspire2 Phantom4 Johnny X5 Bumblebee Cinewhoop If you can see full quality, watch here; https://vimeo.com/430157000 'Por las rutas del toro'. Una forma de acercar las ganaderías, el campo y sus faenas a los aficionados de manera que puedan percibir toda la grandeza del toro bravo en su hábitat natural. En cada capítulo, el equipo de Toros se traslada a la dehesa para mostrarnos a todos los que hacen posible el rito de la tauromaquia: Ganaderos, toreros, mayorales y picadores serán protagonistas en diferentes entregas con atención especial a una faena tan importante como el tentadero y la tradicional tertulia que siempre le sigue . La participación de maestros del toreo servirá, además, para transmitir a jóvenes valores todo su legado y conocimiento en el espacio íntimo e incomparable de alguna de las ganaderías más representativas. MOVISTAR PLUS - CANAL TOROS
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