Orange Sky in Santa Cruz, California, Sept. 9th, 2020
AirVūz contributor and drone pilot Umgapa Sky created this haunting aerial video of Santa Cruz, California as the city was engulfed with ash and smoke from raging forest fires in the late summer of 2020. Located at the northern end of Monterey Bay, about 120 km (around 75 mi.) south of San Francisco, the beach community found itself in the midst of one of the worst wildfire seasons in decades. Shot with a DJI Mavic Pro drone, this video was a Drone Video of the Week Finalist in September of 2020.
- over 4 years ago
- 903 VŪZ
10 - 11
- Report
"Bound For Venus" Is this where we are headed? Runaway climate change? Global temperature rise igniting the planet's biomass unleashing fire storms, changing the chemistry of the very air we breathe? Accelerating the chain reaction that is reverse-terraforming of our only home? Mars isn't our destiny, Venus is. The orange sky was filmed without filters or color correction in Santa Cruz, Ca. on September 9th, 2020, 3 hours before sunset. The sky resolved to smokey gray by the next afternoon, but the scars of the CZU fire and all the others on the west coast of North America, will linger. The flames are far from controlled this year. Meanwhile, the waves are hungry and the changing planet couldn't care less about apes in costumes shouting "hoax". Filmed with: - Mavic Pro 4K 30fps, though conditions interfered with crisp focus. Edited With: - iMovie. Music: - Microtubules - original music from "Inside of Weeds" https://soundcloud.com/umgapa-sky/sets/inside-of-weeds
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Drone Video of the Week, Episode 38 (2020)

- Drone Video Contests
- 1.3k VŪZ
18 - 14
- over 4 years ago
Santa Cruz Surfing
- travispacheco
- 1.1k VŪZ
9 - 14
- almost 5 years ago
Santa Cruz Walton Lighthouse Sunrise (3-3-2017)
- bbuttner
- 2.9k VŪZ
31 - 22
- about 8 years ago
Santa Cruz Walton Lighthouse Sunset (3-2-2017)
- bbuttner
- 784 VŪZ
13 - 10
- about 8 years ago
University of California, Santa Cruz

- caldroneflyer
- 1.3k VŪZ
24 - 12
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Santa Cruz Walton Lighthouse Sunrise (2-23-2017)
- bbuttner
- 1.8k VŪZ
14 - 13
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Baja's Minimalism

- VeronikaChi
- 550 VŪZ
6 - 8
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Santa Cruz demo reel

- Douglas Thron
- 4.1k VŪZ
70 - 62
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Capitola By The Sea
- travispacheco
- 1.0k VŪZ
6 - 12
- over 6 years ago