One lipo on dry river. Tmotor F60 2450Kv full throttle!!
- over 7 years ago
- 2.0k VŪZ
8 - 16
- Report
Armattan LM2
Tmotor 2207 2450Kv
Omnibus F4 Fc with Betaflight 3.1.6 Airmode actived
Aikon SEFM 30a BLHeli 16.65 with DShot 600
Runcam Owl Plus
Lipo Tattu 4s 1300 mA 75c
DalProp 5x4,5x3
FatShark Dominator v3 with Quanum dual diversity
GoPro 4 Session set on 1080s 48Fps.
Radiolink AT9s
Video Edit Adobe Premiere - 75mbps rendering.
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