Old Tallinn (Vana Tallinn) drone video / Таллин, старый город с дрона
Top contributor vitality.karpovich brings us this DVOW nominated video of the old town of Tallinn, Estonia. Located on the Gulf of Finland inlet of the Baltic Sea, Tallinn is one of the cultural gems of Eastern Europe. The video features footage of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, St. Olaf's Church, St. Mary's Cathedral (the Dome Church), St. Nicholas Church, and more. Founded in the 13th century, Tallinn was the northernmost member of the Hanseatic League, a powerful group of northern European port cities during the Middle Ages.
- over 4 years ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
23 - 35
- Report
Tallinn old town (Estonian: Tallinna vanalinn) is the oldest part of Tallinn. Majority of old town's structures were built between 13th–16th centuries. Старый город - старейшая часть Таллина, образец хорошо сохранившегося исторического центра североевропейского торгового города. Большинство зданий были построены между 13 и 16 веками.
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Tallinn by Drone 2021

- 2.1k VŪZ
15 - 13
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- 1.5k VŪZ
0 - 0
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Drone Grand Tour - Warsaw Poland Dron video 2017 HD
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35 - 26
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Tallinn Estonia | Cinematic Drone Footage | 4k

- photoexpert.eu
- 613 VŪZ
3 - 1
- 11 months ago
Cinewhooping around the botanic gardens of Tallinn
- Henri_Petrutis
- 1.2k VŪZ
13 - 8
- about 5 years ago
Beautiful ESTONIA 🇪🇪

- Eneko Garcia-Amezaga
- 2.2k VŪZ
26 - 15
- over 5 years ago
Feeling Bruges (Aerial) // Атмосфера фламандского Брюгге, съемка с дрона

- vitaliy.karpovich
- 1.5k VŪZ
21 - 18
- over 4 years ago
Winter Estonia

- 1.7k VŪZ
0 - 0
- about 3 years ago
Horses of White Rock, Crimea. Drone Cinematic / Лошади у Белой Скалы, Крым, съемка с дрона 4k

- vitaliy.karpovich
- 1.5k VŪZ
21 - 33
- about 4 years ago
Grodno/Hrodna, Belarus. Гродно, Беларусь. Аэросъемка 4к

- vitaliy.karpovich
- 3.5k VŪZ
18 - 24
- over 3 years ago