North Cape Prince Edward Island - LevesqueFPV
North Cape is in the northwestern-most part of Prince Edwards Island, one of the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada. A two kilometer (1.2 mile) long natural rock reef extends out from the cape and is reportedly the longest of its kind (composed of sedimentary rock) in North America. You can see that natural rock reef in this freestyle first person view (FPV) flight by top AirVuz contributor and FPV pilot LevesqueFPV, who takes us out on a bright, cloudless day to the rocky, gorgeous Canadian landscape.
- over 5 years ago
- 446 VŪZ
13 - 4
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Description: GEARS: ImpulseRC - Reverb Full kiss V1 Emax 2306 2400kv TBS Crossfire 250mw/ Micro receiver TBS Unify pro HV 800mw Runcam Swift RR edition Gemfan hurricane MCK Gopro - Hero 7 Black Taranis - X9D+ Fatshark HD3 / True-D 3.6