New London Ledge Light
Here's a nice aerial view of a "haunted" lighthouse in the USA's New England region, compliments of Golf.Tango. It's called New London Ledge Light, and it's located near the mouth of the Thames River in Groton, southeastern Connecticut. Completed in 1909, it remains operational, although it was automated in 1987. Local legend has it that the lighthouse is haunted by a former keeper named Ernie. The lighthouse has been featured on a number of TV shows about paranormal activity.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
15 - 12
- Report
I decided to reshoot the Ledge Light with the Mavic 2 Pro. I was aiming to shoot in 4K with H265, 10-bit Dlog-M Color Profile. However, I must have dialed in the incorrect settings and shot @ 1080p. It still looks great! New London Ledge Lighthouse is a lighthouse in Groton, Connecticut on the Thames River at the mouth of New London harbor. It is currently owned and maintained by the New London Maritime Society as part of the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act program. The New London Ledge is locally famous for the ghost of an early keeper named Ernie who allegedly haunts the lighthouse. Filmed with DJI Mavic 2 Pro Music By: River Words - Alan Ellis
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