NYCDFF Freestyle Winning Run
The Drone Nationals drone race on Governors Island in New York City was held in August of 2016. The race was strictly invitation-only; the qualifiers were the winners of various regional events that had taken place in the months leading up to the big event. One of the events was the Liberty Cup, which was held at the Liberty Science Center in New Jersey just a week before the Nationals. The winner of the Freestyle competition at the Liberty Cup was none other than top AirVuz contributor and FPV pilot SFPV. This was his winning run.
- almost 8 years ago
- 3.7k VŪZ
42 - 32
- Report
The NYCDFF 2017 hosted a great freestyle run ran by Safety Third Racing in New York this weekend. The wind was blowing and its was cold but we made it happen and everyone put together some amazing runs! The dive gate was nearly impossible to hit because the wind was pushing us away from the buildings and the snow made it impossible to see until you were right up on it. I missed it a few times butt the judges were gracious enough to give me the win still!
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X Class Race 2

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2D RUN MIXED MOTION PROJECT - 2017 New York City Drone Film Festival X-FACTOR Category Winner

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#NYCDFF Freestyle Competition
- Jhubby-FPV
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