NURK Cinewhoop Showreel 2019
It’s that time of year again, when talented pilots put together the best of the best from the year in, what they hope to be, an impressive aerial reel. In the case of FPV pilot and cinematographer and former Drone Video Award winner nurkfpv, it is certainly incredible and this is only his cinewhoop reel. Stand out shots include his “Envelopment” location at :15, a flight through a moving Ferris Wheel at :30, and floating through a massive tree at 1:13. This was an easy pick for the FPV Pilots to Watch list in December, 2019.
- over 5 years ago
- 760 VŪZ
20 - 7
- Report
Reach out for more information to work with me at http://paulnurkkala.com/contact Consider joining the channel as a member through the YouTube platform: http://bit.ly/nurkmembership In general, the parts that these drones are using are as follows: Motors: Hobbywing 1408 3600kv -- http://bit.ly/nurkcinewhoopmotor (close alternative) Flight Controller: Whitenoise Synergy -- http://bit.ly/nurksynergy ESC: Hobbywing 60a -- http://bit.ly/nurk60esc Video Transmitter: DJI FPV AIr Unit -- http://bit.ly/nurkdjiairunit Receiver: DJI FPV Air Unit -- http://bit.ly/nurkdjiairunit RX Antenna: TrueRC Singularity -- http://bit.ly/nurksingularitymmcx (requires 2) VTX Antenna: TrueRC Singularity -- http://bit.ly/nurksingularitymmcx (requires 2) Frame: Shendrones Squirt -- http://bit.ly/2ySCDk7 Camera : DJI FPV Air Unit -- http://bit.ly/nurkdjiairunit Lipo: CNHL 850 4s -- http://bit.ly/nurksquirtbattery Prop: HQ Duct-3 -- http://bit.ly/nurkcinewhoopprop Goggles: DJI FPV Goggles -- http://bit.ly/djistarter Radio: DJI FPV Controller -- http://bit.ly/djistarter Get Started with DJI: -- http://bit.ly/djistarter DJI but I want my own radio: -- http://bit.ly/nurkdjinoradio DJI Receiver Directional Antennas: TrueRC Patch for DJI -- http://bit.ly/nurktruercpatchdji (requires 2, not necessary, but amazing) DJI Receiver Omni Antennas: TrueRC Stubby Singularity -- http://bit.ly/nurksingularitydji (purchase 1, comes with 4) Goggles: Fatshark HDO -- http://bit.ly/nurkhdo DJI Goggles: DJI Goggles and 2 Air Units -- http://bit.ly/nurkdjinoradio Goggle Receiver Module: IMRC Rapidfire -- http://bit.ly/nurkrapidfire Goggle DVR Accessory: IMRC Powerplay -- http://bit.ly/nurkpowerplay Goggle Battery Replacement: 18500 Batteries -- http://bit.ly/34ywCHm (go in powerplay) Radio: Taranis 9XD -- http://bit.ly/nurktaranis TBS Crossfire : TBS Crossfire -- http://bit.ly/nurkcrossfire Patch Antenna : TrueRC MX2 Patch Antenna -- http://bit.ly/nurkmx2 Omni Antenna: TrueRC Matchstick Long -- http://bit.ly/nurktruercmatchsticklong FPV Bag: Think Tank FPV Airport -- http://bit.ly/2DW67OT Solder: -- http://bit.ly/nurksolder Soldering Iron: TS100 -- http://bit.ly/nurksolderingiron Lipo Charger: HOTA 15A -- http://bit.ly/nurkhota Insta360 One: I have been given a custom link from the company that, if you use it, you'll get an extra couple goodies with the camera like the self-disappearing selfie stick. It's perfect with it. Check it out: http://bit.ly/2MQHnMm Drone Camera: GoPro Hero Session 5 // http://amzn.to/2DgXb5I Drone Camera: GoPro Hero 6 // http://amzn.to/2lfJKvE Big Main Vlogging Camera: Sony A7III // https://amzn.to/2N3ogSh Big Main Vlogging Camera Wide Lens: Sony 10-18 // https://amzn.to/2PNI5ff Big Main Vlogging Camera Long Lens: Sony 85 1.8 // https://amzn.to/2MCxiq0 Mic for Vlogging Camera: Rhode Video Mic Go // http://amzn.to/2l1lcqz Tripod in the Sky: DJI Mavic // http://amzn.to/2BHrJNq My awesome Pants: http://amzn.to/2kZ3ZOQ Ultimate FPV Harddrive: Western Digital My Wireless Passport Pro 4TB: http://amzn.to/2t8dilZ 3TB: http://amzn.to/2HXH2p5 2TB: http://amzn.to/2F5J708 Thanks to each of my sponsors: Atmospheric Adventures: http://atmosphericadventures.com/ T-Motor: http://www.tmotor.com/ RunCam: http://www.runcam.com/ FPV-Direct: https://www.fpv-direct.com/ Futaba: http://www.futabarc.com/ China Hobby Line: https://chinahobbyline.com/ AirVuz: https://www.airvuz.com/ New Video every Monday/Wednesday/Friday Like The FPV Livestream on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1736829739865468&fref=ts Check out my other videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/NURKFPV Catch the next episode of: http://thefpvlivestream.com/ Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/nurkfpv/ Tweet at me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulnurkkala #showreel #cinewhoop #djihd
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