My Adventures in Corona-Crisis
Muhamad AbuShakra is one of the top content creators in the AirVuz community, with three Drone Video of the Week "wins" as of mid-2020. In this highly inspiring piece, he will take you over some of the most spectacular scenery of the southern German state of Bavaria during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Spring of 2020, when social distancing measures left some of Germany's top tourist spots virtually empty. Accompanying a message of hope, the video opens with an epic shot of the Neuschwanstein Castle before heading into the Bavarian Alps.
- almost 5 years ago
- 4.7k VŪZ
30 - 27
- Report
When the Corona Crisis started, I decided to make one of the biggest films i've ever made alone exactly in mountains of Bavaria-Germany. I decided to cover some of the most beautiful places of the German mountains, known and unknown. Most of the time i had to sleep there over the mountains, just to be alone in the shot, or to get the sunrise. I had many disappointments throughout the whole journey, sometimes i had to repeat the same climb 2 or 3 times in 4 days in a row, just to get the epic weather, or because it was raining. In this film i want to deliver a message, what a one person can achieve alone, if he believes in himself and keep going after his goals.. I'm not sponsored or supported financially by anyone. I'm trying to make my passion as by traveling and showing you the beauty of this world and the nature with inspirational films. Climb Together" by @Audiomachine
Up Next
My Best Adventures 2019
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 1.9k VŪZ
22 - 25
- over 5 years ago
BEST MOMENTS | of my adventures
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 1.2k VŪZ
21 - 23
- over 5 years ago
Be Different 4K (Motivational Video)
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 1.8k VŪZ
21 - 13
- over 4 years ago
Magical ICELAND 4K
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 2.0k VŪZ
20 - 18
- over 1 year ago
The Alps - Like Never Seen Before
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 5.3k VŪZ
4 - 4
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My Adventures in the Pandemic 4K | Winter 2021
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 1.8k VŪZ
18 - 10
- about 4 years ago
My Passion in 3 minutes | 4K
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 1.9k VŪZ
16 - 11
- almost 4 years ago
BEST OF 2021
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 3.6k VŪZ
24 - 15
- over 3 years ago
Alps in Winter | Best of
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 3.6k VŪZ
28 - 16
- about 6 years ago
Amazing Adventures in the Alps
- Muhamad AbuShakra
- 1.6k VŪZ
23 - 15
- almost 6 years ago