Moscow Winter Dron Film 2020 / DJI Inspire 2 X7 /Зимняя Москва Аэросъемка 2020
Check out this stunning drone video of Moscow in the throes of the Russian winter, compliments of former DVOW winner pushkinflyteam. At the :30 mark, there's an incredible shot looking over the Kremlin walls on the Moskva River. At about 1:05, you'll see Red Square, on the opposite side of the Kremlin from the river. At 1:30, you'll see the Krymsky Bridge, just upstream from the Kremlin. Other featured spots include the star-topped MSU building (1:55), the Pushkin Bridge (2:00), the Moscow City District (2:05), and more.
- about 5 years ago
- 1.8k VŪZ
24 - 25
- Report
All Moscow sightseeing’s cowered in snow and ice: Luzhnikovsky metro bridge, Cableway on the Sparrow Hills, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University (Moscow State University), Moscow River Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, St. Basil the Blessed, Moscow city, city center, garden ring, Moscow River, Radisson and more. Happy viewing! For cooperation, info@pushkinfly.team +79268528847 Taken with video the DJI Inspire 2 X7- 4K, 6K Shot on DJI Inspire 2 X7- 4K, 6K Also watch our video of New Year's Moscow 2020 - https://youtu.be/cryRTO1ATAQ All footages from this video are availabe for sale. Footage from this video is available for sale. __________________________________________________________ Достопримечательности Москвы, покрытые снегом: Лужниковский метромост ,Канатная дорога на Воробьевых горах, Российская Академия Наук, Московский государственный университет (МГУ), Москва река Московский кремль, Красная площадь, Храм Христа Спасителя, Василия Блаженного, Москва сити, центр города, садовое кольцо, Москва река, Рэдиссон и другое. Приятного просмотра! По вопросам сотрудничества пишите info@pushkinfly.team +79268528847 Снято с помощью DJI Inspire 2 X7- 4K, 6К Shot on DJI Inspire 2 X7- 4K, 6К Так же смотрите наше видео Новогодней Москвы 2020 - https://youtu.be/cryRTO1ATAQ All footages from this video are availabe for sale. Кадры из этого видео доступны для продажи.
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