Montage | Hero 7
Whether it be gliding over waterfalls, racing behind rally cars, speeding over mountains and water, or ripping through bandos and ancient structures, FPV pilot Barbicyanide has been able to capture some fantastic footage. Shot with the GoPro Hero 7 on his customized long-range mountain surfer or mid-range parkour model quad, this footage is so good it earned him the title of FPV Pilot to Watch in March of 2019. With views like this, we can see why!
- about 6 years ago
- 1.7k VŪZ
18 - 17
- Report
Over the past few months I have been able to capture some pretty cool footage. What better way to commemorate that footage than a MONTAGE!! Thanks to my partner in crime, Hero 7. Can't wait to see what we will capture this summer! - Setup - -- Mountain Surfer | Long-range -- Frame - iFlight XL7 7" FC - Matek F405-CTR ESC - Speedix 30a Motor -Multicopter Builders Primo 2208 2150kv Prop - Dal 7056 CAM - RunCam Eagle 2 VTX - AKK 20x20 600mW RX - TBS Crossfire Nano w/ Immortal T -- Parkour | Mid-range -- Frame - iFlight XL6 6" FC - Matek F405-CTR ESC - Speedix 30a Motor - Emax LS 2207 2400kv Prop - Gemfan 5552 CAM - Rotor Riot RunCam VTX - Mach 1 600mW RX - TBS Crossfire Micro w/ Immortal T FC Firmware - Betaflight 4.0 (GPS Rescue enabled) - Transmitter - FrSky Taranis X9d+ TBS Crossfire Micro TX (250mW) TBS Diamond Antenna - Goggles - Fatshark HD3 Furious FPV True-D Diversity Receiver Clearview Racing Receiver 5.8ghz TBS Triumph Antenna Triple Feed Patch Antenna 5.8ghz - Cameras - GoPro Hero 7 Black w/ Hypersmooth ND Filters (4, 8, 16) Custom printed TPU GoPro mounts
Up Next
The End | 2019 Montage

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