Migrant Caravan and Immigration from Above
Contributor and pilot Carlos Duarte used a drone to create this powerful video of a Central American "migrant caravan". These caravans are part of a vast movement of people north from Central America into Mexico and thence to the United States. In this particular video, you'll see these unfortunates making their way out of (or through) Honduras into Guatemala, which has a long border with Mexico. Exposed to all manner of deprivations, these migrants hope to make their way to the United States.
- about 6 years ago
- 482 VŪZ
9 - 5
- Report
Immigration is defined as the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker. Immigration has ever been present in human life since the dawn of the species, and in every single era of Humanity, people have immigrated due to various reasons. In this era, people immigrate from impoverished nations into wealthy ones. Escaping the difficult life, the hazards and the dangers that exists in their countries of birth, these migrants risk their lives by crossing other lands and unknown cultures to them. In 2018, immigration presented a new variation: The Migrant Caravans. These caravans, the first to come out of Honduras, have visibilized just how people migrate towards the United States, and how difficult is the journey from Central America countries, and this video shows the crossing of the Migrant Caravan from Honduras, into Guatemala and Mexico.
Up Next
Latin America from Above: Drone Reel featuring Guatemala, Mexico and Honduras

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