Mesmerized // Lucerne Valley FpV
Located in western San Bernardino County, California, the Lucerne Valley is an unincorporated city and valley in the southern Mojave Desert. Surrounded by the Granite, Ord, and San Bernardino Mountains the area has made appearances in famous films such as the original "Stagecoach" and horror flick "The Hills Have Eyes." It’s also where FPV pilot RidiN951 found himself mesmerized by the beauty of the rugged terrain and saw fit to make this awesome FPV video.
- almost 6 years ago
- 1.3k VŪZ
16 - 11
- Report
I went camping with family and friends at Lucerne Valley in Southern California. I was amazed at the beauty of this place and all it had to offer. I also tried out the Hypersmooth setting on the GoPro Hero7 for the rock surfing and it worked great. It hates crazy fast flips tho... Well I cant wait to go back and I hope you enjoy what I captured! Check me out on Instagram for more stuff: @Ridin951 Thanks to my Sponsors TwinQuadFrames.com & KwadGarage.net Support me by supporting them =) Equipment Below Twin Quad Frames SkilZaw and RipZaw Freestyle Frames Brain FPV Radix FC Flycolor Raptor BLheli_S 4in1 30a ESC Emax RS2306 2750kv & Emax RSII 2206 2700kv HQ 5x4.3x3 V1S Props Foxeer Predator v3 TBS Unify Pro HV VTX @ 800mw China Hobby Line 1300 4s lipo Fatshark HDO w/ IRC RapidFire Taranis w Hall Gimbals & TBS Crossfire Micro Module and RX Pinching GoPro Hero 7 @ 2K 60fps Superview w Protune & Hypersmooth (on some shots)
Up Next
Lucerne Valley Memorial Day Trip

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