Madeira 2023 - A Year End Montage of Stunning Nature Shots by Drone


Check out these amazing aerial views of the Portuguese island of Madeira, compliments of new contributor DanTheDroneMan.  The video was created with footage from a variety of drones (including FPV drones) over the course of a late 2023 trip to the island.  The video opens with a series of relaxing shots over the island's mountains, coastline, and iconic hillside towns.  At the 1:39 mark, there's a marvelous top-down shot of an offshore rock formation, and further on there are some thrilling FPV ridge-skimming and canyon-diving shots.  

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Thanks for watching my 2023 drone montage from Madeira! 2023 was for me a difficult year for using the drone; the Summer barely existed for us here in the UK as it rained through most of it.

Mid way through July I grew so tired of the rain that I searched for a place I could travel to during the Winter months, where it would be warm and I could try to recover what little Summer I'd had.

From December 19th until January 1st I travelled across Madeira island visiting many stunning locations, often spanning from the South to the North daily. Every day I ran out of batteries for my drones (and I had a lot of them) because there was just so much to capture on this beautiful island.

I'm so glad I got the opportunity to travel to Madeira. I was finally able to capture enough footage as the poor weather and lack of ambition for 2023 meant I simply hadn't used my drone anywhere near enough to create footage like that in my 2020, 2021 & 2022 year end videos.

I hope you enjoy watching this video as much as I enjoy the memories it brings back for me.

Music: Back To The Oscars - Trailer Bros (Immortal Music)