Madeira - Funchal

  • almost 2 years ago
  • 831 VŪZ
  • 12
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Only a little bit of drone footage near the end:

The biggest city of Madeira was our starting point (and no car yet): After landing on the runway that sits partially on pillars we found a beautiful free garden, the cathedral, the Rue de Santa Maria street with lots of funny pictures on the doors and walls, a cable car trip to the Monte Tropical Gardens, a pilgrim church on top, a trip down on the wooden sleds (after standing in line for 90 minutes) and then the Cascada das Anjos (the famous waterfall car wash) and a cliff door. 


The following music was used for this media project:

Music: The Big Adventure by Sascha Ende

Free download:

License (CC BY 4.0):

Artist website: