Lock-Down in Copenhagen | Covid-19 Pandemic
Top AirVuz contributor AIRFLIX created this rather haunting video of the great Danish city of Copenhagen in a state of near-lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Spring of 2020. Produced with a mix of drone and ground camera footage, the video will take you around one of Scandinavia's great cities with its streets and squares virtually empty due to social distancing measures. With its first novel coronavirus infection on February 27, Denmark was one of the first European countries to introduce community quarantine measures.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.7k VŪZ
16 - 18
- Report
Copenhagen during Lock-Down due to the Corona virus - Covid-19. Unique, and eerie, drone footage from Copenhagen, Denmark where everything from schools, most public transport and businesses is shut down in the capital as well as the rest of the country due to the corona pandemic. STAY HOME - STAY SAFE 🙏 “The corona virus is not a foreign threat, but a human one. Racism and xenophobia targeted at asian communities will not protect us from a virus that does not discriminate based on race, gender or color.” - - - Follow us on Instagram for more🔥: https://www.instagram.com/airflix.dk/ Shot on: Inspire 2 + X7 camera 16mm + 50mm DJI lenses BMPCC 6K Ronin-S Canon 24-70mm + 100-400mm Leica Q2 Colorgrade/edit🔥: Davinci Resolve Studio Music from Artlist.io: Dark Tension by Kyle Preston Further by Caleb Etheridge. - - - We are AIRFLIX. We shoot from above with a new perspective on just about everything. All views are our own. www.airflix.dk info@airflix.dk Drone video - Copenhagen - Denmark Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/airflix.dk/
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