Let's Fly
He’s been nominated for a Drone Video Award for his aerial work featuring the city of Dubai, but this time around Bachir_Photo_Phactory is taking things up a notch. Featuring shots of the Arabian Desert, the Al Farooq Omar Bin Al Khattab Mosque, and the dozens of skyscrapers that make up Dubai’s skyline including the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa. He’ll also include shots of car racing, polo players, camels, horseback riders and many other people that make up the city.
- over 5 years ago
- 6.7k VŪZ
43 - 26
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Up Next
- Let's Fly Production
- 1.2k VŪZ
31 - 27
- about 7 years ago
Lebanon Adventure

- Bachir_Photo_Phact...
- 6.5k VŪZ
52 - 30
- over 7 years ago
Around Europe in 14 days

- Bachir_Photo_Phact...
- 5.9k VŪZ
30 - 15
- over 6 years ago
Let's fly ... on Mars ! Epic dronie ! [4K]
- Let's Fly Production
- 1.1k VŪZ
26 - 24
- about 7 years ago
Dubai: City of Life

- Bachir_Photo_Phact...
- 10.9k VŪZ
66 - 30
- over 6 years ago

- Bachir_Photo_Phact...
- 29.3k VŪZ
103 - 49
- over 6 years ago
Showreel 2020

- Bachir_Photo_Phact...
- 2.5k VŪZ
18 - 18
- almost 5 years ago

- Bachir_Photo_Phact...
- 2.8k VŪZ
24 - 17
- over 6 years ago
LET'S FLY ... St Vaast Church!!
- Let's Fly Production
- 1.2k VŪZ
22 - 22
- about 7 years ago
Reel 2019

- Bachir_Photo_Phact...
- 2.3k VŪZ
25 - 17
- about 5 years ago