Lencois de Maranhao
Talented AirVuz contibutor Damiano862 brings us this excellent drone video of Brazil's Lençóis Maranhenses National Park. The park is situated in Maranhão, one of the nine states which make up the country's giant Northeast region. Located just east of São José Bay, the park is best known for its rolling sand dunes. It also covers around 70 km (about 43 mi.) of Atlantic Ocean coastline. Covering about 1.5k square km (about 550 square mi.), it's becoming an increasingly popular eco-tourism destination.
- over 2 years ago
- 2.1k VŪZ
18 - 17
- Report
Il parco nazionale dei Lençóis Maranhenses è un'area naturale protetta del Brasile, che si estende per 155 000 ettari nel nordest dello Stato del Maranhão, lungo 70 km di costa sabbiosa sull'oceano Atlantico e su un entroterra caratterizzato da estese dune di sabbia bianca.
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Lençóis Maranhenses, Santo Amaro - MA Betania Maranaho
- Damiano862
- 2.5k VŪZ
6 - 5
- 9 months ago
Drone Video of the Week, Episode 41 (2022)

- Drone Video Contests
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Picachos de Ola, Panama
- Damiano862
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Pedra Bonita Rio de Janeiro
- Damiano862
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Canal de Panama, El puente del mundo
- Damiano862
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7 Things to do all over the world

- Isabellefabre
- 2.7k VŪZ
43 - 46
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Armandup San Blas Island Panama
- Damiano862
- 1.0k VŪZ
10 - 6
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Salto Angel Canaima, Venezuela
- Damiano862
- 891 VŪZ
11 - 9
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- Damiano862
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2 - 2
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