Las Terrenas Samana Dominican Republic 4K
Here's a stunning aerial view from the Samaná Peninsula in the northeastern Dominican Republic, compliments of contributor Travel Droner. While Samaná was "discovered" by Christopher Columbus on his first voyage in 1493, Las Terranas is of considerably more recent vintage - it was only founded in 1946. Now it's a highly desirable beach destination, especially since the completion of a new highway down the length of the peninsula in 2012 greatly shortened driving time from Santo Domingo.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
14 - 22
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Las Terrenas Samana 4K Dominican Republic Las Terrenas is a town on the northeast coast of the Dominican Republic, located in the province of Samaná. It is known for its scenic landscapes, white sand beaches and clear waters Las Terrenas was founded in 1946, when then-President Rafael Leonidas Trujillo ordered the rural inhabitants of Santo Domingo to resettle in the town as farmers and fishermen. Las Terrenas was then a small fishing village isolated from the rest of the country. Over the years the village's old fishermen's cabins have been slowly transformed into bars, restaurants and shops. Samana was a slave trade port for the British in the early seventeenth century. Today, inhabitants are a combination of Taino, Spanish, West Indian and African slaves. The name Las Terrenas originates from the French la terrienne (the landlord). Aerial Drone shots Taken with Autel EVO in 4K 60fps Music by MU Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClzjb5h-ThrchFizfUea9ogn Songs: Essence of chill Rhythmic Obsessions Like share and Subscribe if you Like the Content Follow Me Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TravelDroner Twitter @traveldroner www.traveldroner.com https://www.youtube.com/traveldroner Thank you for Watching
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