Komodo Island - The Lost World of Indonesia
As southern Indonesia's popularity as a vacation destination continues to spread east from Bali, Komodo Island has emerged as a favorite for those attracted to eco-tourism destinations. It's a fairly small island just west of the larger island of Flores, in the East Nusa Tengarra province. The island is in the heart of the Komodo National Park, home of the famous Komodo Dragon - the largest of the lizard family. Founded in 1980, this eco-tourism magnet has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
- about 8 years ago
- 5.7k VŪZ
57 - 29
- Report
The Komodo National Park (komodo island) is located in the east of Indonesia. This national park consist of three large islands (Rinca, Komodo, & Padar) and numerous of small islands. The national park was established to protect the Komodo Dragon, an endemic species from the area and other marines biodiversities. This national park is registered as the New 7 Wonder of Nature. The national park is the favorite destination for ecotourism, the national park have it's own attractiveness under the sea and over the land. Our pilot, Ardian putra explored the Komodo national park for three days, he spent the rest of his trip by pinisi schooner. Which the visitor need to sleep and eat on the ship for the entire three days, which give the visitor unique experience through the trip.
Taman Nasional Komodo terletak di antara provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Taman nasional ini terdiri atas tiga pulau besar Pulau Komodo, Pulau Rinca, dan Pulau Padar serta beberapa pulau kecil. Wilayah darat taman nasional ini 603 km² dan wilayah total adalah 1817 km².
Pada tahun 1980 taman nasional ini didirikan untuk melindungi komodo dan habitatnya. Di sana terdapat 277 spesies hewan yang merupakan perpaduan hewan yang berasal dari Asia dan Australia, yang terdiri dari 32 spesies mamalia, 128 spesies burung, dan 37 spesies reptilia. Bersama dengan komodo, setidaknya 25 spesies hewan darat dan burung termasuk hewan yang dilindungi, karena jumlahnya yang terbatas atau terbatasnya penyebaran mereka. (Wikipedia)
Kamera Udara Jasa Sewa Drone Indonesia untuk keperluan foto udara dan video udara Indonesia.
Pilot : Ardian Putra
Equipment : DJI Phantom 3 Professional
Music by Musicbed
more info : http://kameraudara.com
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