Klamova Ironworks
For centuries, the lands of the Czech Republic have been known for their metalworking industries. Going back centuries, the Behemian and Moravian regions were home to some of the most arms manufacturing in Europe, and the Czech lands were amongst the first on the European continent to industrialize as the Industrial Revolution began to spread from Britain. In this drone video from Mikin, you'll get an aerial look at the Klamova Ironworks, a well known 19th century ironworks near Brno.
- almost 7 years ago
- 314 VŪZ
9 - 6
- Report
* Dji Spark drone * Klamova Ironworks is located south of Blansko, to the left of the road leading to Brno. It is a steel mill, which dates from the middle of the 19th century. The hut was built between 1853 and 1857. The name was obtained by Augustus Salm, whom Jindřich Jaroslav Clam-Martinic married. It was the first blast furnace in the Czech countries using mineral fuels. The adjacent river Svitava was also used for operation. *Dji Spark drone* Klamova huť se nachází jižně od města Blanska, nalevo od silnice, která vede do Brna. Jde o železářskou huť, která pochází z poloviny 19. století. Huť byla postavena v letech 1853 - 1857. Jméno získala podle Augusty Salmové, kterou si vzal za ženu hrabě Jindřich Jaroslav Clam-Martinic. Jednalo se o první vysokou pec v českých zemích užívající minerální paliva. K provozu byl využívána i přilehlá řeka Svitava.
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