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Jetski vs FPV
Powered by enclosed "impellers", jet-skis can attain speeds of well over 100 km/hour (about 60 mph). That makes them to fast to be filmed by stabilized aerial cinematography platforms, at least when they are cruising at or near their top-end speeds. That's where first person view (FPV) drones come into play; when controlled by skilled pilots, these racing quads have no trouble keeping up with even the fastest jet-skis. To see what we mean, check out this fantastic FPV video by AirVuz contributor and pilot ShaggyFPV.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
21 - 15
- Report
Last year, Michel from Martinsonmedia.nl invited me to take my drone out during one of his jetski fun sessions with his brother. Our schedules didn't meet up last year, but during these corona times Michel pinged me and our schedules happened to line up the day after! Totally unprepared and barely enough gear with me to fly, we ended up doing a few chases in a low light situation. Didn't plan to make an edit out of it, but the shots worked well enough to make a 60 second clip. Hope you enjoy! Reelsteady GO was used to stabilize this footage. If you are thinking of getting it, make sure to use the coupon code 'SHAGGYFPV' for $5 off. For more information, videos and and how to hire me for a shoot, check out www.dutchdronegods.com! Setup used: Avantquad Soko 5" Bonka PSN 1300mah 6s battery (http://tiny.cc/QEBonka1300) Foxeer Predator mini v4 (http://tiny.cc/QEFoxeerPredator) TBS Unify Pro32 HV (http://tiny.cc/QETbsUnify) Azure JohnnyFPV Props (http://tiny.cc/QEAzureJohnny) Hobbywing Xrotor 2306 race pro 1750kv (http://tiny.cc/QEHobbywingXrotor2306) Crossfire nano rx (http://tiny.cc/QECRSFNano) HobbyWing G3 Stack (FC and EFC) (http://tiny.cc/QEHWG3) GoPro Hero 8 Video: Fatshark HDO (http://tiny.cc/QEHDO) IRC Rapidfire (http://tiny.cc/QERapid) Foxeer Echo Patch + Lollipop Omni (http://tiny.cc/QEFoxeerLolli) Controls: Taranis X9D Plus (http://tiny.cc/QETaranis) Crossfire TX with diamond antenna (http://tiny.cc/QETbsCrsfTx)
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- 2.2k VŪZ
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