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Hoz del rio Júcar (Cuenca) ESP.
Check out this stunning drone videos from the mountains of central Spain, compliments of contributor and pilot PJF Drone. It was filmed in Cuenca, one of the provinces which makes up the Castille-La Mancha region. The video features some stunning aerial footage of the canyons of the Júcar RIver, one of the principal waterways of the region. The river drains the Montes Universales mountain range, flowing southwards then eastwards to empty into the Bay of Valencia on the Mediterranean Sea.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
9 - 15
- Report
La Hoz del Júcar es un fenómeno natural provocado por la erosión de las aguas de este curso fluvial en la roca caliza sobre la que se erige la ciudad y que la rodea.Este es uno de esos enclaves en los que la acción de la naturaleza y la del hombre se dan la mano para crear algo inigualable. Desde hace miles de años se ha ido fraguando lo que hoy nos puede maravillar, si lo observamos desde los muchos miradores existentes. The Hoz del Júcar is a natural phenomenon caused by the erosion of the waters of this river course in the limestone rock on which the city stands and that surrounds it.This is one of those enclaves in which the action of nature and that of man shake hands to create something matchless. For thousands of years it has been forging what can amaze us today, if we look at it from the many existing viewpoints.
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