How to really screw up a race track!!
- almost 6 years ago
- 10.1k VŪZ
4 - 1
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Consider liking and subscribing to my channel if you like my content! FPV-ing in Hong Kong is hard, trying my best to thrive in the concrete forest. Here are some clips of that quest! enjoy! Huge thanks to the following for keeping me in the air!! Hong Kong Imaging Diatone Innovations DronezbaseRC Underground FPV Xnova FlySky Favorite setup: Frame: AstroX X5 / Johnny FPV edition Engines: XNova prototypes!! Juicy motors FC/ESC: Diatone Mamba Power tower Cam: Predator V3 VTX: Rush Tank Battery: GNB 130c 1600mah Taranis X9D /Nirvana ND14 Furious FPV True D X
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Awesome Racetrack and Deer Exercise, must see!!
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DARQ TRACK RACING @ Palace of Fine Arts // ASL
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FPV drones in hard situations
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Maker Faire, San Mateo. Day 1

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Flying For The Cops

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Ropes Course Racing, Episode 2

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"Diving" to a new Level -FPV freestyling rocks!
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Three Dimensional Drone Racing // Ropes Course

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