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How to: carantaine like a pro!
With most of Europe under community quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic, first person view (FPV) flight was one way to have fun and protect oneself and the community by practicing good social distancing. This could take the form of flying cinewhoops at home or heading out for some solo flight around empty towns. Witness this fantastic piece by German FPV pilot props-wear.de, who was able to make the most of the quarantine in Germany with some very cinematic FPV flight.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
17 - 17
- Report
flying around while staying at home - fpv is just great!
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springsession - kicker laps with them boys

- props-wear.de
- 706 VŪZ
15 - 8
- almost 6 years ago
Diving Worlds highest Church - Outtakes of ASB shooting

- props-wear.de
- 719 VŪZ
4 - 3
- over 3 years ago

- props-wear.de
- 1.6k VŪZ
10 - 11
- about 1 year ago
Just a little example of my post process!
- ElladUrman
- 1.7k VŪZ
15 - 21
- almost 8 years ago
Mountain Madness | cinematic FPV | Switzerland | 4k
- Arrow FPV
- 797 VŪZ
10 - 7
- about 4 years ago
What's it Like to Fly an FPV Drone?! 🚀📽💸

- eVolvE FPV
- 886 VŪZ
10 - 14
- over 5 years ago
Wings Like Reese

- thelandcrew8
- 1.1k VŪZ
25 - 17
- over 7 years ago
FPV : A century of evolution | FPV Freestyle

- BlinKFPV
- 1.3k VŪZ
12 - 13
- almost 6 years ago
Behind The FPV Goggles: Zero FPV

- Behind The Goggles
- 12.3k VŪZ
35 - 21
- about 8 years ago
Festival of Flights: Year 2107 in Review
- Kinjo
- 2.2k VŪZ
51 - 35
- about 7 years ago